The NumXL different functions attempt to return the most relevant status code to the operation. In C/C++, the status codes (e.g. error codes) are defined in SFMacros.h file as preprocessor macros.

By definition, the zero value is used for success (NDK_SUCCESS), and negative numbers for error codes (e.g. NDK_FAILED). This leaves us with the flexibility to use positive numbers for additional success information (e.g. warning codes)

#define NDK_SUCCESS                  0    ///< SUCCESS return code.
#define NDK_FAILED                  -1    ///< FAILED: Internal error occurred

#define NDK_SDK_UNINITIALIZED       -10  ///< FAILED: The API NDK_INIT has not yet been called
#define NDK_LOG_UNINITIALIZED       -11  ///< FAILED: The API NDK_LOG_INIT has not yet been called
#define NDK_LUC_UNINITIALIZED       -12  ///< FAILED: The API NDK_LUC_INIT has not yet been called
#define NDK_DBM_UNINITIALIZED       -13  ///< FAILED: The API NDK_DBM_INIT has not yet been called
#define NDK_MSG_UNINITIALIZED       -14  ///< FAILED: The API NDK_MSG_INIT has not yet been called

#define NDK_LOG_INIT_FAILED         -20   ///< FAILED: The logging system failed during initialization, check the configuration settings
#define NDK_DB_INIT_FAILED          -21   ///< FAILED: Missing or failed to open the database file
#define NDK_LUC_INIT_FAILED         -22   ///< FAILED: Missing or failed to open the database file

// Initialization error codes 
#define NDK_MISSING_CONF            -100   ///< FAILED: The configuration file is missing
#define NDK_BAD_CONF                -101   ///< FAILED: Access denied or corrupted file
#define NDK_CONF_DATAPATH_INVALID   -102   ///< FAILED: Invalid datapath value in the configuration file
#define NDK_DATAPATH_INVALID        -103   ///< FAILED: failed to retrieve/construct a temp path for logs and intermediate calculation  
#define NDK_CONF_PRODID_INVALID     -104   ///< FAILED: Invalid value for [GLOBALS][PRODUCTID] entry in the conf file
#define NDK_LOGFILE_INUSE           -105   ///< FAILED: Failed to open the logfile for writing (permission error or file in use)
#define NDK_MISSING_APP_ARG         -106   ///< FAILED: invalid or Null argument (e.g. AppName for return value)
#define NDK_MISSING_LICENSE_KEY     -107   ///< FAILED: The product license ket is invalid
#define NDK_INVALID_LICENSE_KEY     -108   ///< FAILED: The product license ket is invalid
#define NDK_INACTIVE_LICENSE_KEY    -109   ///< FAILED: The license key has yet to be activated
#define NDK_INVALID_KEY_CODE        -110   ///< FAILED: The license key and code are not valid
#define NDK_EXPIRED_LICENSE_KEY     -111   ///< FAILED: The license key has expired
#define NDK_LOW_LICENSE_LEVEL       -112   ///< FAILED: The required license level is not met by current license

// Runtime error codes
#define NDK_INVALID_ARG             -300  ///< FAILED: an input argument with unexpected or invalid value.
#define NDK_LENGTH_ERROR            -301  ///< FAILED: The user's buffer is not big enough or Insufficient input data
#define NDK_INVALID_VALUE           -302  ///< FAILED: Invalid value of an argument
#define NDK_EMPTY_TIME_SERIES       -303  ///< FAILED: number of non-missing values is zero
#define NDK_ZERO_INVALID_VARIANCE   -304  ///< FAILED: number of non-missing values is zero
#define NDK_CALIBRATION_ERROR       -305  ///< FAILED: The Optimizer failed to converge to a unique solution.
#define NDK_INVALID_MODEL           -306  ///< FAILED: The model's parameters values did not pass the stability test.
#define NDK_INSUFFICIENT_OBS        -307  ///< FAILED: The number of non-missing observations is not sufficient to carry on the requested function

// Implementation status
#define NDK_NOTSUPPORTED            -400  ///< FAILED: The required operation is not currently implemented/supported

// Warnings codes
#define NDK_RET_NAN                 100 ///< WARNING: The function returns an invalid (i.e. missing) value
#define NDK_SKIP_INIT               105 ///< WARNING: The DLL is already initialize, skipping !

#define NDK_KEY_IN_GRACE_PEROID     1000  ///< INFORMATION: the trial license key is in the 7-day grace period
#define NDK_KEY_IN_TRIAL_PEROID     1005  ///< INFORMATION: the trial license key is in the free trial period
#define NDK_KEY_NOT_IN_TRIAL_PEROID 1010  ///< INFORMATION: the trial license key is not in the free trial period
#define NDK_PERP_KEY_ACTIVE         1015  ///< INFORMATION: the perpetual license key is activated
#define NDK_PERP_KEY_INACTIVE       1020  ///< INFORMATION: the perpetual license key is not activated
#define NDK_SUB_KEY_ACTIVE          1025  ///< INFORMATION: the subscription license key is activated
#define NDK_SUB_KEY_INACTIVE        1030  ///< INFORMATION: the subscription license key is not activated

The functions in .Net Wrapper attempt to return the most relevant status code to the operation. The Wrapper library define an enumeration type - NDK_RETCODE (in NumXLAPI namespace) to capture those values returned by NumXL C- APIs.

namespace NumXLAPI
  /// <summary>
  /// Defines the possible API return values.
  /// </summary>
  public enum NDK_RETCODE
    /// <summary> SUCCESS </summary>
    NDK_SUCCESS =                 0,   
    /// <summary> FAILED: Internal error occured </summary>
    NDK_FAILED =                 -1,   

    // TRUE/FALSE aliases
    /// <summary> SUCCESS: return value is TRUE. </summary>
    NDK_TRUE=                     0,    
    /// <summary> SUCCESS: return value is FALSE. </summary>
    NDK_FALSE   =                 1,
    /// <summary> FAILED: The API NDK_INIT has not yet been called. </summary>
    NDK_SDK_UNINITIALIZED =      -10,  
    ///<summary> FAILED: The API NDK_INIT has not yet been called</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The API NDK_INIT has not yet been called</summary>
    NDK_LUC_UNINITIALIZED=       -12  ,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The API NDK_INIT has not yet been called</summary>
    NDK_DBM_UNINITIALIZED=       -13  ,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The logging system failed during initialization, check the configuration settings</summary>
    NDK_LOG_INIT_FAILED=         -20,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Missing or failed to open the database file</summary>
    NDK_DB_INIT_FAILED=          -21,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Missing or failed to open the database file</summary>
    NDK_LUC_INIT_FAILED=         -22,

    // Initialization error codes 
    ///<summary> FAILED: The configuration file is missing</summary>
    NDK_MISSING_CONF=            -100  ,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Access denied or corrupted file</summary>
    NDK_BAD_CONF=                -101,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Invalid datapath value in the configuration file</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: failed to retrieve/construct a temp path for logs and intermediate calculation  </summary>
    NDK_DATAPATH_INVALID=        -103,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Invalid value for [GLOBALS][PRODUCTID] entry in the conf file</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: Failed to open the logfile for writing (permission error or file in use)</summary>
    NDK_LOGFILE_INUSE=           -105,
    ///<summary> FAILED: invalid or Null argument (e.g. AppName for return value)</summary>
    NDK_MISSING_APP_ARG=         -106,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The product license ket is invalid</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The product license ket is invalid</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The license key has yet to be activated</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The license key and code are not valid</summary>
    NDK_INVALID_KEY_CODE=        -110,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The license key has expired</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The required license level is not met by current license</summary>
    NDK_LOW_LICENSE_LEVEL=       -112,

    // Runtime error codes
    ///<summary> FAILED: an input argument with unexpected or invalid value.</summary>
    NDK_INVALID_ARG=             -300,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The user's buffer is not big enough or Insufficient input data</summary>
    NDK_LENGTH_ERROR=            -301,
    ///<summary> FAILED: Invalid value of an argument</summary>
    NDK_INVALID_VALUE=           -302,
    ///<summary> FAILED: number of non-missing values is zero</summary>
    NDK_EMPTY_TIME_SERIES=       -303,
    ///<summary> FAILED: number of non-missing values is zero</summary>
    ///<summary> FAILED: The optimizer failed to converge to a unique solution.</summary>
    NDK_CALIBRATION_ERROR=       -305,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The model's parameters values did not pass the stability test.</summary>
    NDK_INVALID_MODEL=           -306,
    ///<summary> FAILED: The number of non-missing observations is not sufficient to carry on the requested function. </summary>
    NDK_INSUFFICIENT_OBS=        -307,

    // Implementation status
    ///<summary> FAILED: The required operation is not currently implemented/supported</summary>
    NDK_NOTSUPPORTED    =        -400,

    // Warnings codes
    ///<summary> WARNING: The function returns an invalid (i.e. missing) value</summary>
    NDK_RET_NAN        =         100,
    ///<summary> WARNING: The DLL is already initialize, skipping !</summary>
    NDK_SKIP_INIT       =        105,

    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the trial license key is in the 7-day grace period</summary>
    NDK_KEY_IN_GRACE_PEROD   =   1000,
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the trial license key is in the free trial period</summary>
    NDK_KEY_IN_TRIAL_PEROD  =    1005,
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the trial license key is not in the free trial period</summary>
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the perpetual license key is activated</summary>
    NDK_PERP_KEY_ACTIVE    =     1015,
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the perpetual license key is not activated</summary>
    NDK_PERP_KEY_INACTIVE =      1020,
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the subscription license key is activated</summary>
    NDK_SUB_KEY_ACTIVE=          1025,
    ///<summary> INFORMATION: the subscription license key is not activated. </summary>
    NDK_SUB_KEY_INACTIVE=        1030,  