int __stdcall NDK_SARIMAX_GOF | ( | double * | pData, |
double ** | pFactors, | ||
size_t | nSize, | ||
size_t | nFactors, | ||
double * | fBetas, | ||
double | mean, | ||
double | sigma, | ||
WORD | nIntegral, | ||
double * | phis, | ||
size_t | p, | ||
double * | thetas, | ||
size_t | q, | ||
WORD | nSIntegral, | ||
WORD | nSPeriod, | ||
double * | sPhis, | ||
size_t | sP, | ||
double * | sThetas, | ||
size_t | sQ, | ||
GOODNESS_OF_FIT_FUNC | retType, | ||
double * | retVal | ||
) |
Computes the log-likelihood ((LLF), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or other goodness of fit function of the SARIMA-X model.
- Returns
- status code of the operation
- Return values
NDK_SUCCESS Operation successful NDK_FAILED Operation unsuccessful. See Macros for full list.
- Parameters
[in] pData is the response univariate time series data (a one dimensional array). [in] pFactors is the exogneous factors time series data (each column is a separate factor, and each row is an observation). [in] nSize is the number of observations. [in] nFactors is the number of exognous factors [in] fBetas is the weights or loading of the exogneous factors [in] mean is the ARIMA/SARIMA model's long-run mean/trend (i.e. mu). If missing (i.e. NaN), then it is assumed zero. [in] sigma is the standard deviation of the model's residuals/innovations. [in] nIntegral is the non-seasonal difference order [in] phis are the coefficients's values of the non-seasonal AR component [in] p is the order of the non-seasonal AR component [in] thetas are the coefficients's values of the non-seasonal MA component [in] q is the order of the non-seasonal MA component [in] nSIntegral is the seasonal difference [in] nSPeriod is the number of observations per one period (e.g. 12=Annual, 4=Quarter) [in] sPhis are the coefficients's values of the seasonal AR component [in] sP is the order of the seasonal AR component [in] sThetas are the coefficients's values of the seasonal MA component [in] sQ is the order of the seasonal MA component [in] retType is a switch to select a fitness measure Order Description 1 Log-Likelihood Function (LLF) (default) 2 Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) 3 Schwarz/Bayesian Information Criterion (SIC/BIC) 4 Hannan-Quinn information criterion (HQC) [out] retVal is the calculated goodness of fit value.
- Remarks
- The underlying model is described here.
- The time series is homogeneous or equally spaced
- The time series may include missing values (e.g. NaN) at either end.
- Each column in the explanatory factors input matrix (i.e. X) corresponds to a separate variable.
- Each row in the explanatory factors input matrix (i.e. X) corresponds to an observation.
- Observations (i.e. rows) with missing values in X or Y are assumed missing.
- The number of rows of the explanatory variable (X) must be at equal to the number of rows of the response variable (Y).
- The residuals/innovations standard deviation (i.e. \(\sigma\)) should be greater than zero.
- ARMA model has independent and normally distributed residuals with constant variance. The ARMA log-likelihood function becomes: \[ \ln L^* = -T\left(\ln 2\pi \hat \sigma^2+1\right)/2 \] Where:
- \(\hat \sigma\) is the standard deviation of the residuals.
- The value of the input argument - period - must be greater than one, or the function returns #VALUE!.
- The value of the seasonal difference argument - sD - must be greater than one, or the function returns #VALUE!.
- The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a statistical method for fitting a model to the data and provides estimates for the model's parameters.
- The intercept or the regression constant term input argument is optional. If omitted, a zero value is assumed.
- For the input argument - Beta:
- The input argument is optional and can be omitted, in which case no regression component is included (i.e. plain SARIMA).
- The order of the parameters defines how the exogenous factor input arguments are passed.
- The long-run mean argumen (mean) of the differenced regression residuals can take any value. If ommitted, a zero value is assumed.
- The residuals/innovations standard deviation (sigma) must greater than zero.
- For the input argument - phi (parameters of the non-seasonal AR component):
- The input argument is optional and can be omitted, in which case no non-seasonal AR component is included.
- The order of the parameters starts with the lowest lag
- The order of the non-seasonal AR component model is solely determined by the order of the last value in the array with a numeric value (vs. missing, or error).
- For the input argument - theta (parameters of the non-seasonal MA component):
- The input argument is optional and can be omitted, in which case no non-seasonal MA component is included.
- The order of the parameters starts with the lowest lag
- The order of the non-seasonal MA component model is solely determined by the order of the last value in the array with a numeric value (vs. missing, or error).
- For the input argument - sPhi (parameters of the seasonal AR component):
- The input argument is optional and can be omitted, in which case no seasonal AR component is included.
- The order of the parameters starts with the lowest lag
- The order of the seasonal AR component model is solely determined by the order of the last value in the array with a numeric value (vs. missing, or error).
- For the input argument - sTheta (parameters of the seasonal MA component):
- The input argument is optional and can be omitted, in which case no seasonal MA component is included.
- The order of the parameters starts with the lowest lag
- The order of the seasonal MA component model is solely determined by the order of the last value in the array with a numeric value (vs. missing, or error).
- The non-seasonal integration order - d - is optional and can be omitted, in which case d is assumed zero.
- The seasonal integration order - sD - is optional and can be omitted, in which case sD is assumed zero.
- The season length - s - is optional and can be omitted, in which case s is assumed zero (i.e. Plain ARIMA).
- Requirements
- Examples