int __stdcall NDK_REGEX_REPLACE(LPCSTR szLine,


LPCSTR szValue,

BOOL ignoreCase,

BOOL global,

LPSTR pRetVal,

size_t nSize 


Returns the modified string after performing match/replace on the given string.

status code of the operation
Return values
NDK_SUCCESS  Operation successful
NDK_FAILED  Operation unsuccessful. See Macros for full list.
  1. Currently, NxReplace supports regular expressions using PERL-syntax.
  2. If the pattern input is omitted or missing, NxReplace returns a #VALUE! error.
  3. If the value input argument is omitted or missing, NxReplace removes all occurrence of the pattern from the string.
[in]szLineis the input string to process.
[in]szKeyis the regular expression (PERL-style).
[in]szValueis the value to replace the match with. If missing or omitted, an empty string is used
[in]ignoreCaseis a flag to instruct the matching function whether to ignore letter-case. If missing, ignore_case is set to TRUE
[in]globalis a flag to instruct the function whether to match and replace the first occurence (FALSE) or all the matches (TRUE).
[out]pRetValis the modified string after replacement
[in]nSizeis the size of the output buffer (pRetVal)
Header SFSDK.H
Namespace:  NumXLAPI
Class:  SFSDK
Scope:  Public
Lifetime:  Static

NDK_REGEX_REPLACE(string szLine,

string szKey,

string szValue,

boolean ignoreCase,

boolean global,

StringBuilder pRetVal,

UIntPtr nSize 


Returns the modified string after performing match/replace on the given string.

Return Value

a value from NDK_RETCODE enumeration for the status of the call. 

NDK_SUCCESS  operation successful
Error  Error Code
  1. Currently, NxReplace supports regular expressions using PERL-syntax.
  2. If the pattern input is omitted or missing, NxReplace returns a #VALUE! error.
  3. If the value input argument is omitted or missing, NxReplace removes all occurrence of the pattern from the string.
[in]szLineis the input string to process.
[in]szKeyis the regular expression (PERL-style).
[in]szValueis the value to replace the match with. If missing or omitted, an empty string is used
[in]ignoreCaseis a flag to instruct the matching function whether to ignore letter-case. If missing, ignore_case is set to TRUE
[in]globalis a flag to instruct the function whether to match and replace the first occurence (FALSE) or all the matches (TRUE).
[out]pRetValis the modified string after replacement
[in]nSizeis the size of the output buffer (pRetVal)
Exception Type Condition
None N/A
Namespace NumXLAPI
Scope Public
Lifetime Static
Package NumXLAPI.DLL
* Hamilton, J .D.; Time Series Analysis , Princeton University Press (1994), ISBN 0-691-04289-6
* Tsay, Ruey S.; Analysis of Financial Time Series John Wiley & SONS. (2005), ISBN 0-471-690740
* D. S.G. Pollock; Handbook of Time Series Analysis, Signal Processing, and Dynamics; Academic Press; Har/Cdr edition(Nov 17, 1999), ISBN: 125609906
* Box, Jenkins and Reisel; Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control; John Wiley & SONS.; 4th edition(Jun 30, 2008), ISBN: 470272848