▼Analytics APIs | Statistics and Time-series functions |
Configurations | Initialize the Analytics modulke Environment (e.g., temp file folder) |
▼Descriptive Statistics | Descriptive or summary statistical metrics of a dataset |
Statistical Distribution | Sample-based empirical statistical distributions functions |
Statistical Testing | Statistical/hypothesis testing is a common method of drawing inferences about a population based on statistical evidence from a sample |
Forecast Performance | Statistical metrics for a forecast performance functions, |
Transfom | Common transform function for data set in preparation for further analysis |
Statistical Sampling | Statistical Sampling functions |
Smoothing | Smoothing API functions calls |
▼Factors Analysis | Factors Analysis |
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) | Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) |
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) | Principal Component Analysis (PCA) |
Gneralized Linear Model (GLM) | Gneralized Linear Model (GLM) |
▼ARMA-ARIMA Analysis | Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Analysis |
ARMA Model | Auto-Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) Model functions |
ARIMA Model | Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model |
FARIMA Model | Fractional Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (FARIMA) Model |
SARIMA Model | Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) Model |
AirLine Model | Airline Model functions |
ARMAX Model | Autoregressive Moving Average with Exogenous Inputs (ARMAX) Model |
SARIMAX Model | Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Exogeneous (SARIMAX) Model |
X12-ARIMA Model | X-12ARIMA Model and Seasonal ajustments |
X-13ARIMA-SEATS Model | X13-ARIMA-SEATS model and seasonal adjustment |
▼ARCH-GARCH Analysis | ARCH/GARCH Analysis |
GARCH Model | Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) Model |
EGARCH Model | Exponential General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (EGARCH) Model |
GARCH-M Model | GARCH-in-mean (GARCH-M) model functions |
Speactral Analysis | Spectral Analytis functions |
Portfolio Analysis | Portfolio Analysis functions |
Data Fitting | Data Fitting functions |
Utilities | Miscellanous utility functions |
NDK return codes | |
▼Logging APIs [external] | |
Logging Levels [external] | |
Configurations [external] | |
▼Message logging [external] | |
Helper Macros [external] | |
▼Licensing APIs [external] | |
Configurations [external] | |
Licensing functions [external] | |
▼calendar APIs [external] | |
Configurations [external] | |
Date functions [external] | |
Holidays functions [external] | |
Weekend functions [external] | |
▼Calendar functions [external] | |
Country's Calendar functions [external] | |
Currency's Calendar functions [external] | |
FX currency pair functions [external] | |
▼Locality APIs [external] | |
Configurations [external] | |
Lookup functions [external] |