Statistics and time-series analytics API

Table of Contents

The SFSDK module provide the statistics and time-series analytics functionality to NumXL SDK.


To initialize the licensing subsystem, the client applicatin must passes the license key and the activation code to SFLUC_INIT(.) function.

you'd need ato acquire a license key and generate an activation code foryour machine. This can be accomplished using the sflmgr.exe utility

Upon calling the initialization API (i.e., SFLOG_INIT(.)), the calling application passes the configuration parameters as arguments:

  • Basename of the log file.
  • Filepath for the logfile on your systems (e.g., c:\temp)
  • Log file rotation policies: Maximum filesize, compression and maximum number of files
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <SFLOG.h>
#include <SFLUC.h>
int main(){
int nRet= NDK_FAILED;
std::wstring szAppName = L"testapp";
std::wstring szLogDir =L"C:\\temp";
DWORD dwBackupFiles=7;
size_t ulMaxFileSize= (1024 * 1024); // 1 MB
unsigned int uClientToken=0;
int nRetCode = SFLOG_INITW(szAppName.c_str(),szLogDir.c_str(), dwBackupFiles, ulMaxFileSize,&uClientToken);
if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Logging system is initialized" << std::endl;
unsigned uLUCToken=unsigned(-1);
std::wstring szProdKey(L"31223-200-169");
std::wstring szLicenseKey(L"79F7-C8-A9-01-7777");
std::wstring szActivationCode(L"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");
nRetCode = SFLUC_INIT( szProdKey.c_str(), szLicenseKey.c_str(),szActivationCode.c_str(), &uLUCToken);
if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - License system is initialized" << std::endl;
// Shutdown the license subsystem and release/free resources
// Flush the log file cache to the disk and close the log file.
#define NDK_FAILED
int __stdcall SFLOG_INITW(LPCWSTR szAppName, LPCWSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *pClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLOG_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLUC_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uLUCToken)
int __stdcall SFLUC_INIT(LPCWSTR argPRODKey, LPCWSTR argLicenseKey, LPCWSTR argActivationCode, unsigned *pClientToken)
  1. The logging system has two initialization API variants:
  2. The helper macro (SFLOG_INIT) expands during compilation to eitehr API variant based on your project Unicode settings.
  3. The SFLOG implements a size-based rotation for log files, so when the current log file exceed given limit, the logging system closes the file, rename it, and open a new one file for writing.
  4. The number of log (current + older) files reached a given limit, the logging system will delete the oldest file when it open a new file.


The SFLUC library is a standalone module, with a runtime dependency on SFLOG.dll.

Target Platform Windows
Header SFLUC.h (include Windows.h)
Library SFLUC.lib
DLL SFLUC.dll, and SFLOG.dll
See also