X-12ARIMA Model and Seasonal ajustments.
enum | X11_MODE_TYPE { X11_MODE_MULT = 0
, X11_MODE_ADD = 1
} |
X11_SEASONALMA_3x1 = 0
, X11_SEASONALMA_3x3 = 1
, X11_SEASONALMA_3x5 = 2
, X11_SEASONALMA_3x9 = 3
X11_SEASONALMA_3x15 = 4
} |
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_ENV_INIT (BOOL bOverride) |
| Initialize the filesystem environment on the local machine for the current user.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_ENV_CLEANUP (void) |
| Finalize the X12A environment and release any resources allocated.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_SCEN_INIT (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, LPVOID X12Options, size_t *ulModelHash) |
| Initialize the required files for the given scenario/model.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_SCEN_READ (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, LPVOID X12Options, size_t *ulModelHash) |
| Read the model configuration file (options.ini).
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_SCEN_CLEAUP (LPCTSTR szScenarioName) |
| Finalize the X12A environment and release any resources allocated.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_DATA_FILE (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, double *pData, size_t nLen, BOOL monthly, LONG startDate, WORD fileType, size_t *ulDataHash) |
| Write the given data into an X12a formatted data file.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_READ_DATA_FILE (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, double *pData, size_t nLen, WORD fileType, size_t *ulDataHash) |
| Read the scenario data file into the given data into an X12a formatted data file.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_SPC_FILE (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, void *pX12Structure, size_t *ulModelHash) |
| Create or updates the x12a specification file using the options selected.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_RUN_BATCH (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, LPCTSTR szBatchFile, LPWORD status) |
| Run a batch file in x12a environment.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_RUN_SCENARIO (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, LPWORD status) |
| Run a x12a program for the given model or scenrio.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_RUN_STAT (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, LPWORD status, LPTSTR szMsg, size_t *nLen) |
| Read the status file generated by x12a program.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_OUT_FILE (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, WORD retType, LPTSTR szOutFile, size_t *nLen, BOOL OpenFileFlag) |
| Return the full path of the output file generated by x12a program.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_OUT_SERIES (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, WORD nComponent, double *pData, size_t *nLen) |
| Read the output time series (e.g. seasonal adjusted data) generated by x12a program.
int __stdcall | NDK_X12_FORE_SERIES (LPCTSTR szScenarioName, size_t nStep, WORD retType, double *pData) |
| Read the output forecaste series generated by x12a program.
Seasonal adjustment is a statistical method for removing the seasonal component of a time series when analyzing non-seasonal trends. It is normal to report seasonally adjusted data for unemployment rates to reveal the underlying trends in labor markets. Many economic phenomena have seasonal cycles, such as agricultural production and consumer consumption (e.g., greater consumption leading up to Christmas). It is necessary to adjust for this component to understand what underlying trends are in the economy; thus, official statistics are often adjusted to remove seasonal components.
Different statistical research groups have developed different methods of seasonal adjustment, including the United States Census Bureau's X-12-ARIMA, the Bank of Spain's TRAMO/SEATS, and STAMP, developed by a group led by S. J. Koopman. Each group provides software supporting their methods.
NumXL supports the X-12-ARIMA method. X-12-ARIMA is the software produced, distributed, and maintained by the United States Census Bureau.
Behind the scenes, NumXL translates the user’s options into native X-12-ARIMA scripts, runs the program, and avails the outputs (e.g., seasonally adjusted trend, seasonal factor, irregulars, forecast) through a set of worksheet functions. Nevertheless, the user can view/access the generated input and output files using the NumXL wizard.
- Deprecated
- Starting with version 1.67 (MARTHA), NumXL supports the latest U.S. Census X13ARIMA-SEATS seasonal adjustment software. The U.S. Census does not maintain the X12ARIMA seasonal adjustment software, and NumXL includes this model to help our customers migrate existing X12 models to the X13 equivalents.
- regARIMA Model
- The X-12-ARIMA software comes with extensive time series modeling and model selection capabilities for linear regression models with ARIMA errors (regARIMA models).
The ARIMA models, as discussed by Box and Jenkins (1976), are frequently used for seasonal time series. A general multiplicative seasonal ARIMA model for a time series $z_t$ can be written:
\[\phi(L)\Phi(L^s)(1-L)^d (1-L^s)^D\times z_t = \theta(L)\Theta(L^s)a_t \]
- \(L\) is the Lag or the Backshift operator.
- \(s\) is the seasonal period.
- \((\phi(L)=\phi_o+\phi_1 L+\phi_2 L^2 +\cdots +\phi_p L^p)\) is the nonseasonal autoregressive (AR) model component.
- \((\Phi(L)=\Phi_o+\Phi_1 L+\Phi_2 L^2 +\cdots +\Phi_P L^P)\) is the seasonal autoregressive (AR) model component.
- \((\theta(L)=\theta_o+\theta_1 L+\theta_2 L^2 +\cdots +\theta_q L^q)\) is the nonseasonal moving average (MA) model component.
- \((\Theta(L)=\Theta_o+\Theta_1 L+\Theta_2 L^2 +\cdots +\Theta_Q L^Q)\) is the seasonal moving average (MA) model component.
- \((1-L)^d\) is the non-seasonal differencing operator of order d.
- \((1-L^s)^D\) is the seasonal differencing operator of order D and seasonal period (s).
- \(\{a_t\}\sim \textrm{i.i.d}\sim N(0,\sigma^2)\).
A natural extension for the ARIMA model results from using a time-varying mean function modeled via linear regression effects.
\[ y_t=\sum_{i=1}^N{\beta_i x_{i,t}}+z_t \]
As a result, the general regARIMA model supported by the X-12-ARIMA program is:
\[\phi(L)\Phi(L^s)(1-L)^d (1-L^s)^D\times (y_t-\sum_{i=1}^N{\beta_i x_{i,t}}) = \theta(L)\Theta(L^s)a_t \]
- Related Links
- References
X11 Modes
- See also
Enumerator |
X11_MODE_MULT | multiplicative
X11_MODE_ADD | additive
X11_MODE_PSEUDOADD | pseudo-additive
X11_MODE_LOGADD | log-additive
X13 seasonal MA types
- See also
Enumerator |
X11_SEASONALMA_3x1 | 3x1 CMA
X11_SEASONALMA_3x3 | 3x3 CMA
X11_SEASONALMA_3x5 | 3x5 CMA
X11_SEASONALMA_3x9 | 3x9 CMA
X11_SEASONALMA_3x15 | 3x15 CMA
int __stdcall NDK_X12_DATA_FILE |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
double * | pData, |
size_t | nLen, |
BOOL | monthly, |
LONG | startDate, |
WORD | fileType, |
size_t * | ulDataHash ) |
Write the given data into an X12a formatted data file
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
[in] | pData | (Required) A univariate time series data (a one dimensional array). |
[in] | nLen | (Required) the number of observations in pData . |
[in] | monthly | (Required) A boolean flag for whether the data is monthly/quartelry sampled. |
[in] | startDate | (Required) The serial date number of the 1st observation in the series. |
[in] | fileType | (Required) A reserved argument for future releases. must be set to 1. |
[in,out] | ulDataHash | (Optional) A pointer to a variable that holds the current CRC hash of the data file (tab delimated). |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_ENV_CLEANUP |
( |
void | | ) |
Finalize the X12A environment and release any resources allocated
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_ENV_INIT |
( |
BOOL | bOverride | ) |
Initialize the filesystem environment on the local machine for the current user
- Parameters
[in] | bOverride | (Required) A boolean flag to wipe our existing files and copy new ones. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_FORE_SERIES |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
size_t | nStep, |
WORD | retType, |
double * | pData ) |
Read the output forecaste series generated by x12a program
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[in] | nStep | (Required) The forecast horizon. |
[in] | retType | (Required) the desired output of the X12a output:
Value | Output Type |
1 | Mean |
2 | Lower limit value of the conficent interval |
3 | Upper limit value of the confidence interval |
[out] | pData | (Required) A pointer to a variable to hold the output value. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_OUT_FILE |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
WORD | retType, |
LPTSTR | szOutFile, |
size_t * | nLen, |
BOOL | OpenFileFlag ) |
Return the full path of the output file generated by x12a program
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[in] | retType | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the status after running the batch file.
Value | Output Type |
0 | The X12 specification file (*.spc) |
1 | The X12 log file |
2 | The output file |
3 | The error file |
[out] | szOutFile | (Required) A pointer to a buffer to hold the file full path. |
[in,out] | nLen | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the length of the szOutFile . Upon return, this argument stores the actual number of characters used. |
[in] | OpenFileFlag | (Required) a switch to instruct the functiona whether it should open the file using system default editor (e.g.,notepad) |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_OUT_SERIES |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
WORD | nComponent, |
double * | pData, |
size_t * | nLen ) |
Read the output time series (e.g. seasonal adjusted data) generated by x12a program
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[in] | nComponent | (Required) the desired output of the X12a output:
Value | Output Type |
1 | Final seasonal factors (d11) |
2 | Final trend-cycle (d12) |
3 | Final irregular component (d13) |
4 | Final seasonal factors (d10) |
5 | Combined holiday and trading day factors (d18) |
6 | Combined seasonal and trading day factors (d16) |
[out] | pData | (Required) A pointer to a buffer to hold the output time series data (a one dimensional array). |
[in,out] | nLen | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the size of the szOutFile . Upon return, this argument stores the actual number of elements copied/used. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_READ_DATA_FILE |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
double * | pData, |
size_t | nLen, |
WORD | fileType, |
size_t * | ulDataHash ) |
Read the scenario data file into the given data into an X12a formatted data file.
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
[out] | pData | (Required) A pointer to a buffer to hold the univariate time series data (a one dimensional array). |
[in] | nLen | (Required) the number of observations in pData . |
[in] | fileType | (Required) A reserved argument for future releases. must be set to 1 |
[out] | ulDataHash | (Optional) A pointer to a variable that holds the current CRC hash of the data file (tab delimated). |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_RUN_BATCH |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
LPCTSTR | szBatchFile, |
LPWORD | status ) |
Run a batch file in x12a environment.
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[in] | szBatchFile | (Required) The batch file name to run |
[out] | status | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the status after running the batch file. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_RUN_SCENARIO |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
LPWORD | status ) |
Run a x12a program for the given model or scenrio.
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[out] | status | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the status after running the batch file. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_RUN_STAT |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
LPWORD | status, |
LPTSTR | szMsg, |
size_t * | nLen ) |
Read the status file generated by x12a program.
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name or the model unique identifier. |
[out] | status | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the status after running the batch file. |
[out] | szMsg | (Required) A pointer to a buffer that will hold the status message. |
[in,out] | nLen | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the size of buffer in szMsg . Upon return, the variable will holds the number of characters copied to szMsg . |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_SCEN_CLEAUP |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName | ) |
Finalize the given scenario/model and free allocated resources
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_SCEN_INIT |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
LPVOID | X12Options, |
size_t * | ulModelHash ) |
Initialize the required files for the given scenario/model
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
[in] | X12Options | (Required) A pointer to an instance of X12ARIMA_OPTIONS structure with all X12 model options. |
[in,out] | ulModelHash | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the current CRC hash of the models's options.ini file. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_SCEN_READ |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
LPVOID | X12Options, |
size_t * | ulModelHash ) |
Read the model configuration file
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
[out] | X12Options | (Required) A pointer to an instance of X12ARIMA_OPTIONS structure with all X12 model options. |
[out] | ulModelHash | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the current CRC hash of the models's options.ini file. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also
int __stdcall NDK_X12_SPC_FILE |
( |
LPCTSTR | szScenarioName, |
void * | pX12Structure, |
size_t * | ulModelHash ) |
Create or updates the x12a specification file using the options selected
- Parameters
[in] | szScenarioName | (Required) The scenario name, must be unique |
[in] | pX12Structure | (Required) A pointer to an instance of X12ARIMA_OPTIONS structure with all X12 model options. |
[in,out] | ulModelHash | (Required) A pointer to a variable that holds the current CRC hash of the models's options.ini file. |
- Returns
- status code of the function call: zero = success, positive = success with a warning, and negative = error occurred.
- Return values
- Requirements
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | SFSDK.h (include Windows.h) |
Library | SFSDK.lib |
SFLOG.dll |
- Since
- v1.63
- See also