NumXL SDK - Licensing API
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The SFLUC module provide the NumXL License support functionality to NumXL SDK. The license subsystem is used internally by NumXL SDK APIs.


To initialize the licensing subsystem, the client applicatin must passes the license key and the activation code to SFLUC_INIT(.) function.

you'd need ato acquire a license key and generate an activation code foryour machine. This can be accomplished using the sflmgr.exe utility

Upon calling the initialization API (i.e., SFLOG_INIT(.)), the calling application passes the configuration parameters as arguments:

  • Basename of the log file.
  • Filepath for the logfile on your systems (e.g., c:\temp)
  • Log file rotation policies: Maximum filesize, compression and maximum number of files
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <SFLOG.h>
#include <SFLUC.h>
intnRet= NDK_FAILED;
std::wstring szAppName = L"testapp";
std::wstring szLogDir =L"C:\\temp";
DWORD dwBackupFiles=7;
size_t ulMaxFileSize= (1024 * 1024); // 1 MB
unsigned int uClientToken=0;
intnRetCode = SFLOG_INITW(szAppName.c_str(),szLogDir.c_str(), dwBackupFiles, ulMaxFileSize,&uClientToken);
if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Logging system is initialized" << std::endl;
unsigned uLUCToken=unsigned(-1);
std::wstring szProdKey(L"31223-200-169");
std::wstring szLicenseKey(L"79F7-C8-A9-01-7777");
std::wstring szActivationCod(L"2c07d642fe1ef089e5517d35e15f186814e17fb80b25cd950e77ade2e63c82c65d94ca639a7"
nRetCode = SFLUC_INIT( szProdKey.c_str(), szLicenseKey.c_str(),szActivationCode.c_str(), &uLUCToken);
if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - License system is initialized" << std::endl;
// Shutdown the license subsystem and release/free resources
// Flush the log file cache to the disk and close the log file.
#define NDK_FAILED
int __stdcall SFLOG_INITW(LPCWSTR szAppName, LPCWSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *pClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLOG_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLUC_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uLUCToken)
The client application calls this function during its shutdown to free any resources held by licensin...
Definition SFLUC.cpp:178
int __stdcall SFLUC_INIT(LPCWSTR argPRODKey, LPCWSTR argLicenseKey, LPCWSTR argActivationCode, unsigned *pClientToken)
The client application Initialize the sdk licensing subsystem, by providing the license key and activ...
Definition SFLUC.cpp:56
  1. The logging system has two initialization API variants:
  2. The helper macro (SFLOG_INIT) expands during compilation to eitehr API variant based on your project Unicode settings.
  3. The SFLOG implements a size-based rotation for log files, so when the current log file exceed given limit, the logging system closes the file, rename it, and open a new one file for writing.
  4. The number of log (current + older) files reached a given limit, the logging system will delete the oldest file when it open a new file.


The SFLUC library is a standalone module, with a runtime dependency on SFLOG.dll.

Target Platform Windows
Header SFLUC.h (include Windows.h)
Library SFLUC.lib
DLL SFLUC.dll, and SFLOG.dll
See also