This file implement functions to initialzie (and shutdown) the logging, license and Calendar modules. The functions here are used by the remaining examples here.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "SFLOG.h"
#include "SFLUC.h"
#include "SFDBM.h"
static unsigned uLOGToken=unsigned(-1);
static unsigned uLUCToken=unsigned(-1);
static unsigned uDBMToken=unsigned(-1);
const TCHAR szProdKey[] =L"31223-200-169";
const TCHAR szLicenseKey[] =L"79F7-C8-A9-01-7777";
const TCHAR szActivationCode[] =L"2c07d642fe1ef089e5517d35e15f186814e17fb80b25cd950e77ade2e63c82c65d94ca639"
bool dbm_example_init(void){
std::wstring szLogDir =L"C:\\temp";
DWORD dwBackupFiles=7;
size_t ulMaxFileSize= (1024 * 1024);
int nRetCode =
SFLOG_INITW(szAppName,szLogDir.c_str(), dwBackupFiles, ulMaxFileSize,&uLOGToken);
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Logging system is initialized" << std::endl;
nRetCode =
SFLUC_INIT( szProdKey, szLicenseKey,szActivationCode, &uLUCToken);
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - License module is initialized" << std::endl;
LCID dwLocale = 1033;
std::wstring szFileName(TEXT("spiderxl.db"));
nRetCode =
SFDB_Init(szFileName.c_str(), NULL , dwLocale, &uDBMToken);
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Date and Calendar module is initialized" << std::endl;
return true;
uLUCToken = unsigned(-1)
uLOGToken = unsigned(-1);
return false;
void dbm_example_shutdown(void){
if(uDBMToken != unsigned(-1)){
uDBMToken = unsigned(-1);
if( uLUCToken != unsigned(-1)){
uLUCToken != unsigned(-1);
if( uLOGToken != unsigned(-1)){
uLOGToken= unsigned(-1);
int __stdcall SFDB_Init(LPCWSTR szBaseFileName, LPCWSTR szResDir, DWORD dwLocale, unsigned int *pClientToken)
Initialize/Configure the date/calendar analytics module (SFDBM)
Definition SFDBM.cpp:66
int __stdcall SFDB_Shutdown(unsigned int uClientToken)
Shutdown the session (e.g. closes files, terminate database connection, etc.)
Definition SFDBM.cpp:217
int __stdcall SFLOG_INITW(LPCWSTR szAppName, LPCWSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *pClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLOG_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLUC_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uLUCToken)
int __stdcall SFLUC_INIT(LPCWSTR argPRODKey, LPCWSTR argLicenseKey, LPCWSTR argActivationCode, unsigned *pClientToken)