Date and Calendar Analytics

Table of Contents

The SFDBM module provide the date and calendar analytics functionality to NumXL SDK. The locality subsystem is used internally by NumXL SDK APIs.


Before you can start using the data and calendar functions, you need to initialize the calendar module.

LCID dwLocale = 1033;
std::wstring szFileName(TEXT("spiderxl.db"));
nRetCode = SFDB_Init(szFileName.c_str(), NULL /* Use DLL folder */, dwLocale, &uDBMToken);
if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Date and Calendar module is initialized" << std::endl;
  1. While initializing the logging module is optional, it is highly recommended, particularly during development.
    std::wstring szLogDir =L"C:\\temp";
    DWORD dwBackupFiles=7;
    size_t ulMaxFileSize= (1024 * 1024); // 1 MB
    int nRetCode = SFLOG_INITW(szAppName,szLogDir.c_str(), dwBackupFiles, ulMaxFileSize,&uLOGToken);
    if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
    std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - Logging system is initialized" << std::endl;
  2. Ensure the license module is initialized before calling the calendar module's configuration function: SFDB_Init.
    nRetCode = SFLUC_INIT( szProdKey, szLicenseKey,szActivationCode, &uLUCToken);
    if(nRetCode == NDK_SUCCESS){
    std::wcout << L" SUCCESS - License module is initialized" << std::endl;
  3. The SDK comes with a standard database file (spiderxl.db) for English and Spanish. The file is copied to the application's output directory under a locale-specific subfolder (e.g., 1033/, 1034/).
  4. At the process shutdown, you need to call the SFDB_Shutdown to close any open files and free all resources.


The calendar module is a standalone module (dll), but has runtime-time dependency on SFLOG.dll and SFLUC.dll.

Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header SFDBM.h (include Windows.h)
Library SFDBM.lib
See also