NumXL SDK - Logging API
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The SFLOG module provides the logging system functionality to NumXL SDK, and can be used as well by your application. The logging subsystem is implemented after the common "log4j" library, and support similar configuration and functionality. The logging message contains the following:

  • Timestamp
  • Source File
  • Line number
  • Function name
  • Severity
  • Message


Upon calling the initialization API (i.e., SFLOG_INIT(.)), the calling application passes the configuration parameters as arguments:

  • Basename of the log file.
  • Filepath for the logfile on your systems (e.g., c:\temp)
  • Log file rotation policies: Maximum filesize, compression and maximum number of files
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <SFLOG.h>
int main(){
int nRet= NDK_FAILED;
string szAppName="myapp"; // Log file base filename (i.e., myapp.log, myapp_2.log, etc.)
string szPath = "C:\\temp"; // Full directory path where the log files are created
DWORD dwBackupFiles=7; // Maximum number of log files to keep at any given file.
size_t ulMaxFileSize=10240, // Maximum filesize (in bytes), after which, a new file is created
unsigned int uClientToken=-1; // A unique integer token used to shutdown the logging s
nRet = SFLOG_INITA(szAppName.c_str(), szPath.c_str(), dwBackupFiles,ulMaxFileSize, &uClientToken);
if(nRet < NDK_SUCCESS){
std::cerr << "Initializing the logging facility failed, exit" << std::endl;
// Close the log file and shutdown the logging
nRet = SFLOG_SHUTDOWN(uClientToken);
SUCCESS return code.
Definition SFLOG.h:36
#define NDK_FAILED
FAILED: Internal error occured.
Definition SFLOG.h:37
int __stdcall SFLOG_INITA(LPCSTR szAppName, LPCSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *pClientToken)
Initialize the logging system for SDK using ascii strings for the logging base filename and directory...
Definition SFLog.cpp:247
int __stdcall SFLOG_SHUTDOWN(unsigned int uClientToken)
write all the cache logs to the file and closed the log file.
Definition SFLog.cpp:286
  1. The logging system has two initialization API variants:
  2. The helper macro (SFLOG_INIT) expands during compilation to eitehr API variant based on your project Unicode settings.
  3. The SFLOG implements a size-based rotation for log files, so when the current log file exceed given limit, the logging system closes the file, rename it, and open a new one file for writing.
  4. The number of log (current + older) files reached a given limit, the logging system will delete the oldest file when it open a new file.

Log levels and Thresholds

Upon initialization, the SFLOG set the logging level or threshold to SFLOG_ERROR (or 5), by default. Thus, only log messages with severity of error or higher will be written to the log file.

To inquire about the current log level, client application should call SFLOG_GETLEVEL(), and to change the log level from its current level, client application must call SFLOG_SETLEVEL() function.

int nLevel= -1;
int nRet = SFLOG_GETLEVEL(&nLevel);
if( nRet < NDK_SUCCESS){
std::cerr << "Failed to query the current logging level, exit" << std::endl;
// Set the logging threshold to Critical or fatal
int __stdcall SFLOG_SETLEVEL(unsigned int uClientToken, unsigned int nLevel)
sets the current logging level in the logging subsystem
Definition SFLog.cpp:398
int __stdcall SFLOG_GETLEVEL(unsigned int *nLevel)
query and retrieve the current logging level in the logging subsystem
Definition SFLog.cpp:331
Enable fatal or critical level logging.
Definition SFLOG.h:23
SFLOG includes macros that capture all supported logging levels, as detailed in the following table:
Macro Level Description
SFLOG_ALL 0 Enable all logging messages (info, debug, trace, warning and error).
SFLOG_TRACE 1 Enable trace level logging: trace, debug, info, warning, error and fatal error messages.
SFLOG_DEBUG 2 Enable debug level logging: debug, info, warning, error and fatal error messages.
SFLOG_INFO 3 Enable information level logging: info, warning, error, and fatal error messages.
SFLOG_WARN 4 Enable warning level logging: warning, error and fatal error messages.
SFLOG_ERROR 5 Enable error level logging: error and fatal error messages.
SFLOG_FATAL 6 Enable fatal or critical level logging.
SFLOG_OFF 7 Disable all logging messages.

Writing log messages

The client application writes to the log file by calling the SFLOG_LOGMSGA(.) for ASCII text, or SFLOG_LOGMSGW(.) for wide-charcter unicode messages. Using either variant of those two functions, the client application must provide the folllowing details:

  1. source filename
  2. Line number
  3. severity level
  4. Function name
  5. Error message

Just like we have for SFLOG_INIT, the SFLOG includes a helper macro SFLOG_LOGMSG that expands during compile-time to proper variant of the function based on your project's charater-set size.

Furthermore, the SFLOG system includes a set of helper macros (e.g., SFLOG_MSG_INFO, SFLOG_MSG_ERROR) to simply the logging greatly, by passing the compiler preprocessors (e.g., FILE, LINE) to many of the arguments. There is two variants of he macros: single-character (ASCII) message and wide-character (Unicode) messages.

Having the flexibility to write ASCII/Unicode messages to the logfile frees the developer from converting string from one character-set to another, especcially, when the log messages may originat in different libraries.


The SFLOG library is a standalone module from the rest of the NumXL SDK.

Target Platform Windows
Header SFLOG.h (include Windows.h)
Library SFLOG.lib
See also